• Watch our latest video featuring Dr. James St. Clair as he reveals why "Dogs Don't Cry". Learn how to spot signs of arthritis in your furry friend and how to manage it effectively.
  • Watch our latest video featuring Dr. James St. Clair as he reveals why "Dogs Don't Cry". Learn how to spot signs of arthritis in your furry friend and how to manage it effectively.
Our Company

Kala Health, Inc.

Founded in 1997 as a manufacturer and distributor of natural health products. We produce safe and healthy products with the Kala Health quality and standards.

We are devoted to continually looking for novel and beneficial ingredients and formulations to foster and promote maximum pet health.

The goal of Kala Health is to provide its customers with the best healthcare products and ingredients on the market. We source our products exclusively, whenever possible, in the USA.

Our Commitment to You
Purity, Safety and Consistency.

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